Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

A great time to reflect, make some positive changes and set those resolutions! I hope you don't get discouraged if your not able to keep them all...sometimes life happens! God only knows we always have the best intentions.
Here at the nest we have made quite a few resolutions for 2011. I am sooo excited to share.
Reflecting back on 2010...the year has been so eventful, eyeopening, inspiring, fulfilling and just wonderful. Considering our poor economy, the struggles of so many people and our time of uncertainty...truly, all our customers and vendors were so complimentary, positive, friendly and patient. It was a joy to come to thank you for a great first year.
Stay tuned as we are almost ready to launch our new website with online shopping. Thanks to John Culpepper, our website designer (whom I recommend highly!) is helping us out in this arena. We are combining all kinds of technological terms...I hope you find it to be very user friendly and beautiful.
Our continuous efforts of bettering the shop...we have some really great vendors and beautiful merchandise, try to stop in if you can. We will be receiving new books in shortly and new merchandise is starting to flow in again.
We are also just about ready to launch our own "belle's nest" product's small, but it's a beginning.
We are very excited about the year ahead and will keep you updated on all that's new...join our mailing list for monthly updates.
Happy New Year!

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